Congress Advances Appropriation Bills

Before its August recess, Congress advanced 2024 appropriation bills that include such boating industry funding priorities as addressing the proposed vessel speed restrictions to protect right whales off the Eastern Seaboard.

The spending bills include funding for industry priorities by the Department of Commerce, the Department of Interior and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The bills also support programs that benefit the Great Lakes and outdoor recreation in general.

The National Marine Manufacturers Association said in a statement: “Given the legislative gridlock that often grips both chambers of Congress, the annual appropriations process consistently remains one of the few legislative vehicles that eventually crosses the finish line. NMMA will closely monitor the appropriations process as it unfolds on Capitol Hill and will continue to advocate for the industry’s priorities with lawmakers and key staff.”

Key provisions include:

• Vessel Speed Restrictions

House and spending bills include funding for the North Atlantic right whale real-time monitoring program. The house bill would prevent NOAA’s proposal to change the speed rules, while the senate bill would order the NOAA to work with stakeholders.

• Department of Commerce

A senate bill would provide $1.5 million for the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account and would continue the department’s analysis highlighting the impact that outdoor recreation has on the U.S. economy.

• Department of Interior

House and senate bills would provide $368 million for the Great Lakes Restoration initiative, a program that works to protect and restore the lakes through habitat restoration and prevent aquatic invasive species. A separate senate bill would provide the department $50 million for efforts to prevent the spread of invasive species and $31.5 million to stop the spread of Asian carp.

• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

A senate bill would provide around $260 million to fund corps projects that are important to recreational boaters. A house bill provides $1.5 million to implement the MAPLand Act and encourage the corps to recognize the importance of concessionaires at recreation facilities.

Federal government funding through Sept. 30 and the outlook for the bills remain uncertain because Congress needs to pass the spending measures or a continuing resolution, which would maintain current spending levels, before the funding deadline.

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